With a growing body of research showing innumerable benefits, minimally invasive surgical approaches have become efficient, feasible, and subsequently popular in the management of several spinal disorders. MISS is constantly expanding its horizons as there is a better understanding of its knowledge and advantages.
Typically, the objective of minimally invasive spine (MIS) surgery is to alleviate pain, discomfort, and immobility due to the pressure on the spinal nerves. The surgery is performed to stabilize the joints and vertebral bones and on those who have been affected by conditions such as spinal tumors, scoliosis, bone spurs, and spinal instability.
Traditional open surgery can be traumatic on the muscles and soft tissues. In comparison, MISS causes less trauma, is faster, safer, and speeds up recovery times. Besides, the surgery comes with several other benefits
- There is less blood loss
- The risk of muscle damage is minimal because muscle cutting is not required
- Recoveries are extremely fast
- Lesser rehabilitation required
- Minimized risk of post-operative pain and infection
Goals of MISS
Any approach to access to the spinal area requires moving the muscle tissue out of the way because the vertebrae, discs, and spinal nerves are located deep inside the body. Small incisions are made, and guiding instruments are inserted along with a video camera to visualize the affected area.
Abnormal movements of segments of the spine that cause neck and back pain are stabilized. Spinal instrumentation and fusion procedures are used to address the situation.
A spinal decompression is performed to remove tissue that is responsible for compressing the nerve structures such as the spinal cord or the spinal nerve.
Percutaneous and mini-open procedures are generally performed where a segmental tubular retraction is used to create an expandable tunnel passing that provides access to the spinal column as it traverses between the muscles. The procedure does not require cutting through the soft tissues. Visualization of the surgical area is achieved with the help of an endoscope during the procedure. Specially designed instruments are used as the surgery is performed using the tubular retraction system.
Other minimally invasive surgeries are microdiscectomy, foraminotomy, and microlaminectomy. Image guidance technologies and surgical imaging systems are used to identify some of the key aspects of the spinal anatomy, to better address the patient’s issue.
Preparing for MISS
At Lifeline Hospitals, an expert team of doctors helps you prepare for the surgery by collecting your medical and family history of diseases. You must provide the list of medications that you are currently consuming such as blood thinners, ahead of time. If you smoke, you will be requested to stop before the surgery because smoking can stunt the healing process.
Some imaging tests including, x-rays and MRIs, or Magnetic Resonance Imaging may be needed to identify the exact nature of the abnormality and to plan the surgical procedure accordingly.
Reach out to experts at Lifeline Hospitals in case you are suffering from spinal stenosis, spinal instability, infection of the spine, herniated disc, and other related issues.