The Lifeline Hospital is now in Bengaluru
The Lifeline Hospital is now in Hyderabad

Best General Surgery Hospital in Chennai | Tamil Nadu

General Surgery is a discipline of surgery embracing anatomy

General Surgery

“General Surgery” is a discipline of surgery embracing anatomy, physiology, metabolism, immunology, nutrition, pathology, wound healing, shock and resuscitation, intensive care, and neoplasia, which are common to all surgical specialties.Our general surgeons are specialized with extensive knowledge and experience related to the diagnosis, preoperative, operative, and postoperative management, including the management of complications of various surgical problems.

Some of the common general surgical procedures done at Lifeline are

  • Appendectomy. When the appendix becomes blocked and ruptures, it puts the body at risk for severe infections and causes significant pain. …
  • Breast Surgery
  • Colon Surgery
  • Digestive Tract
  • Endocrine Surgery
  • Esophageal Surgery
  • Exploratory Laparotomy
  • Hernia Surgery