Surgical robots have transformed the way doctors operate over the last decade, and hastened patient recovery significantly. Today, complex procedures such as cardiothoracic surgery are undertaken by robots where surgeons can be extremely accurate, even if the size of incisions are no more than that of a dime.
Lifeline Hospitals, one of the best hospitals in Chennai uses the latest equipment in medical care.
Three or four robotic arms are inserted into the patient through small cuts. While two of the arms act as the surgeon’s hands, another may be used to move the blockage out of the way and one arm has a camera at its end. With the help of a surgical team on hand near the patient, the surgeon controls all four arms from a console stationed nearby. If you need a medical procedure, there are many good reasons to talk to your doctor about robotic-assisted surgery.
Shorter hospital stays:
There is usually less of a need to keep people in the hospital because robotic surgery is minimally invasive. Patients can go home sooner, which is also a preferred recovery method. They also experience less blood loss than they would from open surgery. Recovery times are faster, which means people spend fewer days in the hospital, saving costs and being able to return to their routines sooner.
Minimal pain and discomfort:
Recovering from surgery can be tough – even tougher than undergoing the surgery itself. Patients feel less pain and discomfort following a robotic surgery because incisions are extremely small. For instance, a traditional open chest procedure would mean an uncomfortable chest tube for lengthy periods. But with robotic surgery, the chest tube stays for a shorter duration.
Lesser complications:
Traditional surgery brings the risk of infection and other dire complications along with it. With smaller incisions, robotic surgery lessens the likelihood of infections. The wound size associated with robotic surgery is smaller, easier to monitor and control, instead of having the entire organ cavity opened. During a procedure, robotic surgery reduces the amount of human error making complications even less likely. Unnecessary complications of tissue damage are also prevented.
Nominal blood loss:
Any surgical procedure comes with the concern of blood loss. But this is not the case with robotic surgery. RA surgery provides a three-dimensional view of the affected area allowing the surgeon to visualise even the blood vessels at close quarters. Surgeons can better avoid blood vessels adjacent to the surgical field, with an enhanced view combined with the precise movements of the robotic instruments.
Limited scarring:
Due to the smaller size of the incisions, the potential for scarring is also lesser. Referred to as keyhole incisions, these are small enough to allow the insertion of a camera that guides the robotic arms to complete the procedure. For many people, minimal scarring is a reasonable cosmetic consideration.
At Lifeline Hospitals, one of the leading multispeciality hospital Chennai, surgeons apply robotic-assisted surgery to a variety of different procedures such as cardiac repairs, removal of appendix, uterus and gall bladder, urology surgery, and orthopaedics.